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[001454105]Almeida, Ana Lúcia Pompéia Fraga de. Pereira, Tatiana. Siqueira, Aline Franco. Carrilho, Guilherme Paes de Barros. Greghi, Sebastião Luiz Aguiar. Resende, Daniel Romeu Benchimol de. Periodontal health re-establishment in cleft lip and palate patients through vestibuloplasty associated with free gingival graft. Berlin, 2005. p. 23-29. Perio, v. 2, n. 1, p. 23-29, Spring, 2005. (1742-3279).
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[001523712]Carrilho, Marcela Rocha de Oliveira. Carvalho, Ricardo Marins de. Tay, Franklin Russell. Yiu, Cynthia. Pashley, David Henry. Durability of resin-dentin bonds related to water and oil storage. San Antonio, 2005. p. 315-319. American Journal of Dentistry, San Antonio, v. 18, n. 6, p. 315-319, Dec. 2005. (0894-8275).
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[001495149]Carvalho, Ricardo Marins de. Garcia, Fernanda Cristina Pimentel. Silva, Safira Marques de Andrade e. Castro, Fabrício L A. Swift Jr, Edward J. Adhesive-composite incompatibility Part II. Hamilton, 2005. p. 191-195. Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry, v. 17, n. 2, p. 191-195, 2005. (1496-4155).
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[001495148]Carvalho, Ricardo Marins de. Garcia, Fernanda Cristina Pimentel. Silva, Safira Marques de Andrade e. Castro, Fabrício L A. Swift Jr, Edward J. Adhesive-composite incompatibility Part I. Hamilton, 2005. p. 129-134. Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry, v. 17, n. 2, p. 129-134, 2005. (1496-4155).
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[001594943]Ito, Shuichi. Hashimoto, Masanori. Wadgaonkar, Bakul. Svizero, Nadia. Carvalho, Ricardo Marins de. Yiu, Cynthia. Rueggeberg, Frederick A.. Foulger, Stephen. Saito, Takashi. Nishitani, Yoshihiro. Yoshiyama, Masahiro. Tay, Franklin R.. Pashley, David Henry. Effects of resin hydrophilicity on water sorption and changes in modulus of elasticity. Guilford, 2005. p. 6449-6459. Biomaterials, v.26, n. 33, p. 6449-6459, 2005. (0142-9612).
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[001545643]Ito, Shuichi. Saito, Takashi. Tay, Franklin Russell. Carvalho, Ricardo Marins de. Yoshiyama, Masahiro. Pashley, David Henry. Water content and apparent stiffness of non-caries versus caries-affected human dentin. Hoboken, 2005. p. 109-116. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part B: Applied Biomaterials, Hoboken, v. 72B, n. 1, p. 109-116, Jan. 2005. (1552-4973).
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[001532825]Pegoraro, Luiz Fernando. Scolaro, Juliano Milczewsky. Conti, Paulo César Rodrigues. Telles, Daniel. Pegoraro, Thiago Amadei. Noncarious cervical lesions in adults prevalence and occlusal aspects. Chicago, 2005. p. 1694-1700. The Journal of the American Dental Association, Chicago, v. 136, n. 12, p. 1694-1700, Dec. 2005. (0002-8177).
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[001589185]Silva, AP. Oliveira, R.. Cavalli V.. Arrais, C. A. G.. Giannini, M. Carvalho, Ricardo Marins de. Effect of peroxide-based bleaching agents on enamel ultimate tensile strength. Seattle, 2005. p. 318-324. Operative Dentistry, v. 30, n. 3, p. 318-324, 2005. (0361-7734).
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[001489351]Silva, Rafael dos Santos. Conti, Paulo César Rodrigues. Lauris, José Roberto Pereira. Silva, Renato Oliveira Ferreira da. Pegoraro, Luiz Fernando. Pressure pain threshold in the detection of masticatory myofascial pain an algometer-based study. Illinois, Quintessence, 2005. p. 318-324. Journal of Orofacial Pain, v. 19, n. 4, p. 318-324, 2005. (1064-6655).
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[001495144]Svizero, N. R.. D’Alpino, Paulo Henrique Perlatti. Silva e Souza Júnior, Mário Honorato da. Carvalho, Ricardo Marins de. Liner and light exposure effect on in-vitro Class V microleakage. Washington, 2005. p. 325-330. Operative Dentistry, v. 30, n. 3, p. 325-330, May/June 2005. (0361-7734).
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[001500676]Tay, Franklin Russell. Frankenberger, Roland. Carvalho, Ricardo Marins de. Pashley, David Henry. Pit and fissure sealing. Bonding of bulk-cured, low-filled, ligth-curing resins to bacteria-contaminated uncut enamel in high c-factor cavities. San Antonio, 2005. p. 28-36. American Journal of Dentistry, v. 18, n. 1, p. 28-36, Feb. 2005. (0894-8275).
Documento 12 de 12
[001497982]Yiu, C K Y. King, N M. Suh, B I. Sharp, L J. Carvalho, Ricardo Marins de. Pashley, David Henry. Tay, Franklin Russell. Incompatibility of oxalate desensitizers with acidic, fluoride-containing total-etch adhesives. Chicago, 2005. p. 730-735. Journal of Dental Research, v. 81, n. 8, p. 730-735, Aug. 2005. (0022-0345).