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Documento 1 de 36
[001837241]Atta, Maria Teresa. Sampaio, P.. Casas Apayco, Leslie Caroll. Wang, Linda. Francisconi, L.. Almeida Jr, A. Effect of glass ionomer liner on interface dentin/resin, after thermocycling. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 1355. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 1355, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.
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[001837610]Bullen, A.. Rubira-Bullen, Izabel Regina Fischer. Rosseti, Paulo Henrique Orlato. Lauris, José Roberto Pereira. Francischone, Carlos Eduardo. Rotational freedom and surgical insertion torque values in Ti2O implants. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 1644. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 1644 , Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.
Documento 3 de 36
[001839887]Calabria, M. P.. Assaoka, A. M.. Pereira, José Carlos. Magalhães, Ana Carolina. Buzalaf, Marilia Afonso Rabelo. Mattos, M. C.. Cury, A. H.. Effect of potassium oxalate, TiF4 and glutaraldehyde/hema/fluoride on dentin permeability. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 4544. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 4544, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.
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[001837266]Casas-Apayco, L. C. Sampaio, P. C. P. Francisconi, L.. Wang, Linda. Atta, Maria Teresa. Effect of resin- modified-glass-ionomer liner photoativation on the dentin/resin interface. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 1356. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 1356, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.
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[001837275]Cavenago, B. C.. Minotti, P. G.. Duarte, M. A. H.. Ordinola-Zapata, R.. Del Carpio-Perochena, A.. Bramante, C. M.. Garcia, R. B.. Bernardineli, N.. Moraes, I. G.. PH and calcium release of white Portland cement with radiopacifier. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 1471. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 1471, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.
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[001838222]Cilli, R.. Prakki, Anuradha. Araujo, P. A.. Bedran-Russo, Ana K.. Pereira, José Carlos. Experimental dry dentin bonding using collagen crosslinkers preliminary data. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 2932. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 2932, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.
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[001839743]Comar, L. P.. Rebelato, R.. Honório, Heitor Marques. Magalhães, Ana Carolina. Wang, Linda. Buzalaf, Marilia Afonso Rabelo. Rios, Daniela. Hardness and profile as response variables for enamel erosion. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 4179. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 4179, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.
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[001836722]Costa, L. C.. Hannas, A. R.. Ishikiriama, S. K.. Pereira, J. C.. Prevalence of noncarious dental lesions in undergraduate students. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 851. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 851, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.
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[001837620]Del Carpio-Perochena, A.. Bramante, Clovis Monteiro. Duarte, Marco Antonio Hungaro. Cavenago, B. C.. Minotti, P. G.. Garcia, Roberto Brandão. Bernardineli, Norberti. Moraes, Ivaldo Gomes de. Ordinola Zapata, R.. Ability of two endodontic irrigants to remove biofilms. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 1766. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 1766, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.
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[001836495]Dreibi, V. M.. Hipólito, A. C.. Casas-Apayco, L. C.. Graeff, M.. Buzalaf, M. A. R.. Magalhães, A. C.. Franco, E. B.. Rios, D.. Wang, L.. Effect of erosive/abrasive challenges on the resin-enamel bonding. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 604. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 604, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.
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[001836593]Francisconi, L. F.. Santos, J. R.. Gonini, A.. Fernandes, K. B.. Ishikiriama, S. K.. Atta, M. T.. Pereira, J. C.. Wang, L.. Effect of bleaching gels on different composite resins surface roughness. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 736. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 736, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.
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[001838031]Freitas, A.. Francisconi, Paulo Afonso Silveira. Francisconi, Paulo Afonso Silveira. Effect of surface treatment on resin-metal bond stability. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 2921. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 2921, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.
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[001838945]Furuse, A.. Cunha, L.. Paganelli, G.. Mondelli, Rafael Francisco Lia. Mondelli, José. Enamel wetness affects bonding of etch-and-rinse and self-etching adhesive systems. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 3966. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 3966, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.
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[001837687]Guimarães, L.. Marsiglio, A.. Almeida, J.. Wang, Linda. Carrilho, M.. Paula, L. M.. Li, A. T.. Garcia, F. C. P.. Bond strength of total-etch adhesives to water and ethanol-saturated dentin. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 2210. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 2210, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.
Documento 15 de 36
[001837675]Hannas, Angélica Reis. Kato, M. T.. Magalhães, Ana Carolina. Pereira, José Carlos. Tjäderhane, L.. Buzalaf, Marilia Afonso Rabelo. Toothpastes with MMP inhibitors reduce dentin erosion in vitro. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 1966. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst.1966 , Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.
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[001839041]Hipólito, A. C.. Dreibi, V. M.. Casas Apayco, Leslie Caroll. Giacomini, M. C.. Mondelli, Rafael Francisco Lia. Honório, Heitor Marques. Rios, Daniela. Wang, Linda. Bond strengthof resin-enamel bonding after erosive/abrasive in situ protocol. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 3968. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 3968, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.
Documento 17 de 36
[002210633]Kato, Melissa Thiemi. Hannas, A. R.. Pereira, José Carlos. Magalhães, Ana Carolina. Tjäderhane, L.. Buzalaf, Marília Afonso Rabelo. Impact of tannic acid, a cross-linking agent, and chlorhexidine, a matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor, on dentin wear. Basel, 2010. p. 242, abst. 181. , European Organisation for Caries Research – ORCA(57. : 2010 : Montpellier).. Caries Research, v. 44, n. 3, p. 242, abst. 181, July 2010. (0008-6568). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.1159/000315447 > . Acesso em: 02 ago. 2011.
Documento 18 de 36
[001837813]Lima, A. A.. Borges, D. L. M. Pereira, L. C. G. Atta, Maria Teresa. Radiopacity of linning glass ionomer cements. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 2252. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 2252, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.
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[001836606]Marciano, M.. Duarte, Marco Antônio Húngaro. Cunha, T. V. R. N.. Garcia, Roberto Brandão. Bramante, Clóvis Monteiro. Bernardineli, Norberti. Moraes, Ivaldo Gomes de. Ordinola-Zapata, R.. Ability of four endodontic filling techniques to obturate complex anatomy. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 740. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 740, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.
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[001838933]Marsiglio, A.. Santos, G.. Franco Almeida, J. C.. Paula, L. M.. Araújo, J. A.. Wang, Linda. Garcia, F. C. P. Influence of air-drying on durability of resin-dentin bonds. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 3963. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 3963, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.
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[001836511]Medina-Valdivia, J. R.. Francisconi, G. B.. Francischone, A. C.. Mondelli, R. F. L.. Francischone, C. E.. Shear bond strenght of a self-adhesive resin cement to zirconia. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 672. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 572, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.
Documento 22 de 36
[001837856]Modena, K. C. S.. Sipert, Carla Renata. Fagundes, T. C.. Campanelli, Ana Paula. Atta, Maria Teresa. Santos, Carlos Ferreira dos. MIP-1a/CCL3 and SDF-1a/CXCL12 production by pulp fibroblasts stimulated by materials. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 2288. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 2288, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.
Documento 23 de 36
[001837179]Navarro, R. L.. Oltramari-Navarro, P. V. P.. Francischone, C. E.. Taga, R.. Cestari, T. M.. Immediate occlusal interferences acting on osseointegrated implants study in minipigs. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 967. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 967, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.
Documento 24 de 36
[001837267]Oliveira, G. U.. Rodrigues, M. C.. Franco, E. B.. Mondelli, R. F. L.. Ishikiriama, S. K.. Effect of abrasion on wear and roughness of silorane composite. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 1451. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 1451, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.
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[001836972]Oltramari-Navarro, P. V. P.. Navarro, R. L.. Henriques, J. F. C.. Francischone, C. E.. Taga, R.. Cestari, T. M.. Immediately loaded titanium implants for orthodontic anchorage study in minipigs. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 966. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 966, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.
Documento 26 de 36
[001839901]Ordinola Zapata, R.. Cavenago, B. C.. Bramante, Clóvis Monteiro. Bernardineli, Norberti. Moraes, Ivaldo Gomes de. Garcia, Roberto Brandão. Marciano, M.. Duarte, Marco Antônio Húngaro. A confocal analysis of gutta-percha and resilon filling techniques. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 4559. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 4559, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.
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[001838267]Pereira, A. P.. Chimeli, T. B. C.. Macedo, J. L.. Wang, Linda. Paula, L. M.. Garcia, F. C. P.. Degree of conversion of self-etching/adhesive compared to dual-cure conventional resin-cements. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 3037. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 3037, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.
Documento 28 de 36
[001838009]Pereira, José Carlos. Mattos, M. C.. Hermoza-Novoa, M. M. Cestari, Tânia Mary. Granjeiro, José Mauro. Calabria, M. P.. Expression of MMP-2, -8 and -9 in inflamed pulp. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 2865. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 2865, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.
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[001837829]Pereira, L. C. G. Queiroz, J. C.. Ferreira, E. S.. Caixeta, L. S. S.. Lima, A. A.. Barata, Terezinha de Jesus Esteves. Navarro, Maria Fidela de Lima. Influence of insertion technique on clinical performance of ART restorations. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 2272. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 2272, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.
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[001849931]Pinto, T.. Silva, L.. Martins, L. D. M. Hannas, A. R.. Francisconi, Paulo Afonso Silveira. Carrilho, M.. Wang, Linda. Influence of chlorhexidine to bond strength of fiber-post to root. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 4478. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 4478, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.
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[001838495]Santos, F. C. Z.. Rebelato, R.. Magalhães, Ana Carolina. Honório, Heitor Marques. Wang, Linda. Machado, Maria Aparecida de Andrade Moreira. Buzalaf, Marilia Afonso Rabelo. Rios, Daniela. Influence of regular and light soft-drinks on enamel erosion. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 3218. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 3218, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.
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[001840250]Santos, F. Z. C.. Jordão, M. C.. Honório, Heitor Marques. Magalhães, Ana Carolina Magalhães. Wang, Linda. Machado, Maria Aparecida Andrade Moreira. Buzalaf, Marilia Afonso Rabelo. Rios, Daniela. Erosion potential of modified cola drinks on enamel in situ. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 4194. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 4194, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.
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[001838447]Svizero, N. R.. Oliveira, D. A.. Santos, P. J.. Wang, Linda. Alonso, R. C. B.. Carvalho, Ricardo Marins. Dalpino, Paulo Henrique Perlatti. Water sorption, solubility and hardness of dual resin cements. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 3050. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 3050, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.
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[001837870]Valarini, N.. Gonini Jr, A.. Moura, S. K.. Wang, Linda. Graciano, F. M. O.. Consani, S.. Lopes, M. B.. Different surface sealants roughness applied to a nanofiller resin composite. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 2323. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 2323, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.
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[001838960]Wang, Linda. Casas -Apayco, L. C.. Dreibi, V. M.. Hipólito, A. C.. Atta, Maria Teresa. Honório, Heitor Marques. Erosion by fat-low cola-drinks associated to abrasion implications to enamel-adhesion. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 3967. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 3967, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.
Documento 36 de 36
[001838263]Zanata, R. L.. Magalhães, Ana Carolina. Lauris, José Roberto Pereira. Wang, Linda. Atta, Maria Teresa. Long-term in vivo and in vitro microhardness of high-viscous glass-ionomer. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 2968. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 2968, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.