2009 – BAB – Trabalho de evento periódico – Internacional

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Documento 1 de 21

[001740865]Araujo, J. J.. Rios, Daniela. Moino, A. L.. Magalhães, Ana Carolina. Honório, Heitor Marques. Machado, Maria Aparecida de Andrade Moreira. Buzalaf, Marília Afonso Rabelo. Impact of regular and light drinks on dentin erosion. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2009. abst. 3354. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(87. : 2009 : Miami).. , Annual Meeting of the AADR – American Association for Dental Research(38 . : 2009 : Miami).. , Annual Meeting of the CADR – Canadian Association for Dental Research(33. : 2009 : Miami).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 88, abst. 3354, Special Issue A, 2009. Em CD-ROM.

Documento 2 de 21

[002209948]Barbosa, C. S.. Montagnolli, L. G.. Kato, M. T.. Sampaio, F. C.. Buzalaf, Marília Afonso Rabelo. Effect of calcium glycerophosphate on acid demineralization of bovine enamel blocks by soft drinks. Basel, 2009. p. 238, abst. 166. , European Organisation for Caries Research – ORCA(56. : 2009 : Budapest).. Caries Research, v. 43, n. 3, p. 238, abst. 166, May 2009. (0008-6568). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.1159/000213889 > . Acesso em: 02 ago. 2011.

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[002210158]Buzalaf, Marília Afonso Rabelo. Kato, Melissa Thiemi. Leite, A. L.. Oliveira, Rodrigo Cardoso de. Hannas, A. R.. Protective effect of a ferrous sulphate gel on dentin erosion in situ. Basel, 2009. p. 240, abst. 171. , European Organisation for Caries Research – ORCA(56. : 2009 : Budapest).. Caries Research, v. 43, n. 3, p. 240, abst. 171, May 2009. (0008-6568). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.1159/000213889 > . Acesso em: 02 ago. 2011.

Documento 4 de 21

[001738367]Buzalaf, Marília Afonso Rabelo. Keynote address insights into preventive measures for dental erosion. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2009. abst. 265. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(87. : 2009 : Miami).. , Annual Meeting of the AADR – American Association for Dental Research(38 . : 2009 : Miami).. , Annual Meeting of the CADR – Canadian Association for Dental Research(33. : 2009 : Miami).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 88, abst. 265, Special Issue A, 2009. Em CD-ROM.

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[001740672]Chiok-Ocaña, L.. Rodrigues, M.. Cestary, Tânia Mary. Cury, A. H.. Assis, Gérson Francisco de. Francisconi, Paulo Afonso Silveira. Atta, Maria Teresa. Pereira, José Carlos. Histological evaluation of the human pulp response to cavity preparation. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2009. abst. 3133. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(87. : 2009 : Miami).. , Annual Meeting of the AADR – American Association for Dental Research(38 . : 2009 : Miami).. , Annual Meeting of the CADR – Canadian Association for Dental Research(33. : 2009 : Miami).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 88, abst. 3133, Special Issue A, 2009. Em CD-ROM.

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[001737733]Honório, Heitor Marques. Rios, Daniela. Santos, Carlos Ferreira dos. Magalhães, A. C.. Buzalaf, Marília Afonso Rabelo. Machado, Maria Aparecida de Andrade Moreira. Cross-sectional microhardness of enamel subjected to erosive and/or cariogenic challenges. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2009. abst. 21. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(87. : 2009 : Miami).. , Annual Meeting of the AADR – American Association for Dental Research(38 . : 2009 : Miami).. , Annual Meeting of the CADR – Canadian Association for Dental Research(33. : 2009 : Miami).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 88, abst. 21, Special Issue A, 2009. Em CD-ROM.

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[001740866]Italiani, F. M.. Kato, M. T.. Araujo, J. J.. Garcia, M. D.. Sales Peres, Sílvia Helena de Carvalho. Buzalaf, Marília Afonso Rabelo. Effect of an iron varnish on bovine enamel erosion. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2009. abst. 3381. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(87. : 2009 : Miami).. , Annual Meeting of the AADR – American Association for Dental Research(38 . : 2009 : Miami).. , Annual Meeting of the CADR – Canadian Association for Dental Research(33. : 2009 : Miami).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 88, abst. 3381, Special Issue A, 2009. Em CD-ROM.

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[002210166]Kato, Melissa Thiemi. Leite, A. L.. Hannas, A. R.. Buzalaf, Marília Afonso Rabelo. Protective effect of gels containing matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors against dentin erosion in situ. Basel, 2009. p. 240, abst. 172. , European Organisation for Caries Research – ORCA(56. : 2009 : Budapest).. Caries Research, v. 43, n. 3, p. 240, abst. 172, May 2009. (0008-6568). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.1159/000213889 > . Acesso em: 02 ago. 2011.

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[001738366]Kobayashi, C. A. N.. Silva, T. L. D.. Leite, A. D. L.. Santos, L. D.. Nogueira, F. C. S.. Oliveira, Rodrigo Cardoso de. Palma, M. S.. Domont, G. B.. Buzalaf, Marília Afonso Rabelo. Proteomic analysis of kidney in rats chronically exposed to fluoride. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2009. abst. 111. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(87. : 2009 : Miami).. , Annual Meeting of the AADR – American Association for Dental Research(38 . : 2009 : Miami).. , Annual Meeting of the CADR – Canadian Association for Dental Research(33. : 2009 : Miami).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 88, abst. 111, Special Issue A, 2009. Em CD-ROM.

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[001739900]Machado, Maria Aparecida de Andrade Moreira. Oliveira, T. M.. Sakai, V. T.. Silva, T. C.. Tessarolli, V.. Dionísio, T. J.. Silva, Salete Moura Bonifácio da Silva. Santos, Carlos Ferreira dos. Effectiveness of chlorhexidine gel on the reduction of salivary bacteria. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2009. abst. 1875. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(87. : 2009 : Miami).. , Annual Meeting of the AADR – American Association for Dental Research(38 . : 2009 : Miami).. , Annual Meeting of the CADR – Canadian Association for Dental Research(33. : 2009 : Miami).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 88, abst. 1875, Special Issue A, 2009. Em CD-ROM.

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[001740864]Magalhães, Ana Carolina. Rios, Daniela. Honório, Heitor Marques. Machado, Maria Aparecida de Andrade Moreira. Buzalaf, Marília Afonso Rabelo. Effect of cola drink’s acid and sucrose on enamel demineralization. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2009. abst. 3353. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(87. : 2009 : Miami).. , Annual Meeting of the AADR – American Association for Dental Research(38 . : 2009 : Miami).. , Annual Meeting of the CADR – Canadian Association for Dental Research(33. : 2009 : Miami).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 88, abst. 3353, Special Issue A, 2009. Em CD-ROM.

Documento 12 de 21

[002210174]Magalhães, Ana Carolina. Wiegand, A.. Rios, Daniela. Hannas. Attin, T.. Buzalaf, Marília Afonso Rabelo. Influence of chlorhexidine and green tea extract on dentin erosion/abrasion an in situ/ex vivo study. Basel, 2009. p. 240-241, abst. 173. , European Organisation for Caries Research – ORCA(56. : 2009 : Budapest).. Caries Research, v. 43, n. 3, p. 240-241, abst. 173 , May 2009. (0008-6568). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.1159/000213889 > . Acesso em: 02 ago. 2011.

Documento 13 de 21

[001738629]Modena, Karin C. S.. Sipert, Carla R.. Campanelli, Ana Paula. Oliveira, S. H. P.. Atta, Maria Teresa. Santos, Carlos Ferreira dos. Navarro, Maria Fidela de Lima. Cytotoxicity of several materials on human dental pulp fibroblasts. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2009. abst. 571. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(87. : 2009 : Miami).. , Annual Meeting of the AADR – American Association for Dental Research(38 . : 2009 : Miami).. , Annual Meeting of the CADR – Canadian Association for Dental Research(33. : 2009 : Miami).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 88, abst. 571, Special Issue A, 2009. Em CD-ROM.

Documento 14 de 21

[002209949]Montagnolli, L. G.. Barbosa, C. S.. Kato, Melissa Thiemi. Buzalaf, Marília Afonso Rabelo. Effect of commercial desensitizing toothpastes on the prevention of enamel erosion associated with abrasion. Basel, 2009. p. 239, abst. 169. , European Organisation for Caries Research – ORCA(56. : 2009 : Budapest).. Caries Research, v. 43, n. 3, p. 239, abst. 169, May 2009. (0008-6568). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.1159/000213889 > . Acesso em: 02 ago. 2011.

Documento 15 de 21

[001740863]Osorio, R.. Cestari, Tânia Mary. Osorio, E.. Zanotto, E. D.. Navarro, Maria Fidela de Lima. Toledano, M.. Surface roughness of experimental resin-modified glass-ionomer cements. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2009. abst. 3202. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(87. : 2009 : Miami).. , Annual Meeting of the AADR – American Association for Dental Research(38 . : 2009 : Miami).. , Annual Meeting of the CADR – Canadian Association for Dental Research(33. : 2009 : Miami).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 88, abst. 3202, Special Issue A, 2009. Em CD-ROM.

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[001740671]Pessan, J. P.. Alves, K. M. R. P.. Ramires, Irene. Taga, M. F. L.. Sampaio, F. C.. Whitford, G. M.. Buzalaf, Marília Afonso Rabelo. Effect of regular and low-fluoride dentifrices on plaque fluoride. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2009. abst. 2950. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(87. : 2009 : Miami).. , Annual Meeting of the AADR – American Association for Dental Research(38 . : 2009 : Miami).. , Annual Meeting of the CADR – Canadian Association for Dental Research(33. : 2009 : Miami).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 88, abst. 2950, Special Issue A, 2009. Em CD-ROM.

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[001737735]Rios, Daniela. Honório, Heitor Marques. Magalhães, A. C.. Machado, Maria Aparecida de Andrade Moreira. Buzalaf, Marília Afonso Rabelo. Influence of cola’s type and dental plaque on enamel erosion. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2009. abst. 22. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(87. : 2009 : Miami).. , Annual Meeting of the AADR – American Association for Dental Research(38 . : 2009 : Miami).. , Annual Meeting of the CADR – Canadian Association for Dental Research(33. : 2009 : Miami).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 88, abst. 22, Special Issue A, 2009. Em CD-ROM.

Documento 18 de 21

[002209945]Rios, Daniela. Santos, F. Z. C.. Magalhães, Ana Carolina. Honório, Heitor Marques. Machado, Maria Aparecida de Andrade Moreira. Buzalaf, Marília Afonso Rabelo. Influence of cola type on wear by erosion with subsequent abrasion an in situ/ex vivo study. Basel, 2009. p. 237, abst. 162. , European Organisation for Caries Research – ORCA(56. : 2009 : Budapest).. Caries Research, v. 43, n. 3, p. 237, abst. 162, May 2009. (0008-6568). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.1159/000213889 > . Acesso em: 02 ago. 2011.

Documento 19 de 21

[001738630]Rubira-Bullen, Izabel Regina Fischer. Teixeira, R. C.. Rubira, C. M. F.. Poleti, M. L.. Assis, Gerson Francisco de. Cestary, Tânia Mary. Periapical bone resorption evaluated by fractal analysis in wistar rats. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2009. abst. 625. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(87. : 2009 : Miami).. , Annual Meeting of the AADR – American Association for Dental Research(38 . : 2009 : Miami).. , Annual Meeting of the CADR – Canadian Association for Dental Research(33. : 2009 : Miami).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 88, abst. 625, Special Issue A, 2009. Em CD-ROM.

Documento 20 de 21

[002209940]Wiegand, A.. Waldheim, E.. Sener, B.. Magalhães, Ana Carolina. Attin, T.. Effects of TiF 4 and NaF solutions at pH 1.2 and 3.5 on enamel erosion in vitro. Basel, 2009. p. 224, abst. 127. , European Organisation for Caries Research – ORCA(56. : 2009 : Budapest).. Caries Research, v. 43, n. 3, p. 224, abst. 127, May 2009. (0008-6568). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.1159/000213889 > . Acesso em: 02 ago. 2011.

Documento 21 de 21

[001740868]Wiegand, A.. Bichsel, D.. Magalhães, Ana Carolina. Becker, K.. Attin, T.. Effect of sodium, amine and stannous fluoride on enamel erosion. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2009. abst. 2946. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(87. : 2009 : Miami).. , Annual Meeting of the AADR – American Association for Dental Research(38 . : 2009 : Miami).. , Annual Meeting of the CADR – Canadian Association for Dental Research(33. : 2009 : Miami).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 88, abst. 2946, Special Issue A, 2009. Em CD-ROM.