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[002319312]Bravo-Calderón, Diego Mauricio. Oliveira, Denise Tostes. Santos, Wagner Humberto Martins dos. Bilateral osteoporotic bone marrow defects of the mandible a case report. London, BioMed Central, 2012. online. Head & Face Medicine, London, v. 8, n. 22, online, 2012. Disponível em: < http://www.head-face-med.com/content/8/1/22 >. Acesso em 10 dez. 2012.
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[002311869]Calvo, Adriana M. Brozoski, Daniel T. Giglio, Fernando P. M. Gonçalves, Paulo Z. Sant’Ana, Eduardo. Dionísio, Thiago J. Lauris, José Roberto Pereira. Santos, Carlos Ferreira dos. Are antibiotics necessary after lower third molar removal?. St. Louis, 2012. p. S199–S208. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology, St. Louis, v. 114, n. 5, Suppl., p. S199–S208, Nov. 2012. (1079-2104). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.oooo.2011.10.022 >. Acesso em: 31 out. 2012.
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[002319155]Cardoso, Camila Lopes. Fernandes, Luciana Maria Paes da Silva Ramos. Rocha, Julierme Ferreira. Soares, Cleverson Teixeira. Barreto, Jaison Antônio. Damante, José Humberto. Xeroderma pigmentosum a case report with oral implications. Valencia, 2012. p. e248-e251. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry, Valencia, v. 4, n. 4, p. e248-e251, Oct. 2012. (1989-5488). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.4317/jced.50727 >. Acesso em: 10 dez. 2012.
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[002330127]Cardoso, Camila Lopes. Araujo-Pires, Ana Claudia. Dias-Ribeiro, Eduardo. Capelozza, Ana Lúcia Alvares. Ferreira Júnior, Osny. Consolaro, Alberto. Orthodontic traction of impacted tooth associaed with odontogenic tumor a case report. [S.l.], 2012. p. 64-68. Case Study and Case Report, v. 2, n. 3, p. 64-68, 2012. (2228-8988). Disponível em: < http://www.scopemed.org/fulltextpdf.php?mno=16754 >. Acesso em: 06 fev. 2013.
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[002311853]Cardoso, Camila Lopes. Damante, José Humberto. Santos, Paulo Sérgio da Silva. Taveira, Luís Antônio de Assis. Fernandes, Luciana Maria Paes da Silva Ramos. Pigatti, Fernanda Mombrini. Soares, Cleverson Teixeira. Coelho, Roberto Franzin. Rosai-dorfman disease with widespread oral-maxillofacial manifestations a case report. Philadelphia, 2012. p. 2600-2604. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Philadelphia, v. 70, n. 11, p. 2600-2604, Nov. 2012. (0278-2391). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.joms.2011.12.015 >. Acesso em: 31 out. 2012.
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[002270839]Casaroto, Ana Regina. Toledo, Gustavo Lopes. Toledo Filho, João Lopes. Soares, Cleverson Teixeira. Capelari, Marcos Maurício. Lara, Vanessa Soares. Ameloblastic carcinoma, primary type case report, immunohistochemical analysis and literature review. Athens, 2012. p. 1515-1526. Anticancer Research, Athens, v. 32, n. 4, p. 1515-1526, Apr. 2012. (0250-7005). Disponível em: < http://ar.iiarjournals.org/content/32/4/1515.full.pdf >. Acesso em: 12 abr. 2012.
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[002438983]Dezan Jr., Eloi. Holland, Roberto. Consolaro, Alberto. Ciesielski, Francisco Isaak Nicolas. Jardim Jr, Elerson Gaetti. Experimentally induced anachoresis in the periapical region after root canal filling. Temuco, 2012. p. 05-10. International Journal of Odontostomatology, Temuco, v. 6, n. 1, p. 05-10, Apr. 2012. (0718-3801). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.4067/S0718-381X2012000100001 >. Acesso em: 13 jan. 2014.
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[002318810]Duarte, Bruno G. Assis, Diogo. Ribeiro-Júnior, Paulo. Gonçales, Eduardo Sanches. Does the relationship between retained mandibular third molar and mandibular angle fracture exist an assessment of three possible causes. New York, Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc, 2012. p. 127-136. Craniomaxillofacial trauma & reconstruction, New York, v. 5, n. 3, p. 127-136, Sept. 2012. (1943-3875).
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[002319123]Fernandes, Karin Sá. Santos, Paulo Sérgio da Silva. Stegun, Roberto C. Luiz, Ana Cláudia. Gallottini, Marina H. C . Oral aspects and dental management of Werner Syndrome. London, 2012. p. 63-66. Journal of Disability and Oral Health, London, v. 13, n. 2, p. 63-66, 2012. (1470-8558).
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[002334681]Galvão, Virgilio. Pessoa, Larissa. González, Ana Lina. Consolaro, Alberto. Reacción liquenoide en mucosa bucal asociada a restauración de amalgama reporte de caso clínico. Caracas, 2012. p. 1-10. Acta Odontológica Venezolana, Caracas, v. 50, n. 2, p. 1-10, 2012. (0001-6365). Disponível em: < http://actaodontologica.com/ediciones/2012/2/art16.asp >. Acesso em: 05 mar. 2013.
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[002333558]Garcia, Alexandre Simões. Bravo-Calderón, Diego Mauricio. Costa, Milena Souza Gomes da. Oliveira, Denise Tostes. Oral focal mucinosis arising on the gingiva of orthodontic patient. Irvine, 2012. p. 277-279. Open Journal of Stomatology, Irvine, v. 2, n. 2, p. 277-279, June 2012. (2160-8709).
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[002317895]Garcia, Natalia G. Oliveira, Denise Tostes. Faustino, Simone E. S. Azevedo, L. R. Necrotizing sialometaplasia of palate a case report. Cairo, 2012. online. Case Reports in Pathology, Cairo, v. 2012, ID 679325, 3 p., 2012. (2090-6781). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2012/679325 >. Acesso em: 03 dez. 2012.
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[002318674]Garcia, Natália Galvão. Oliveira, Denise Tostes. Hanemann, João Adolfo Costa. Pereira, Alessandro Antônio Costa. Oral verrucous carcinoma mimicking a chronic candidiasis a case report. New York, Hindawi, 2012. on-line. Case Reports in Oncological Medicine, New York : Hindawi, v. 2012, article ID 729467, 2012. Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2012/190272 >. Acesso em: 06 dez. 2012.
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[002275456]Gasparoto, T. H. Oliveira, C. E. de. Vieira, N. A. Porto, Vinícius de Carvalho. Cunha, Fernando de Queiroz. Garlet, Gustavo Pompermaier. Campanelli, Ana Paula. Lara, Vanessa Soares. Activation pattern of neutrophils from blood of elderly individuals with Candida-related denture stomatitis. Heidelberg, 2012. p. 1271-1277. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Heidelberg, v. 31, n. 6, p. 1271-1277, 2012. (0934-9723). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10096-011-1439-z >. Acesso em: 08 maio 2012.
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[002307752]Gasparoto, Thaís H. Sipert, Carla R. Oliveira, Carine E. Porto, Vinícius Carvalho. Santos, Carlos Ferreira dos. Campanelli, Ana Paula. Lara, Vanessa Soares. Salivary immunity in elderly individuals presented with candida-related denture stomatitis. Mount Desert, 2012. p. e331-e339. Gerodontology, Mount Desert, v. 29, n. 2, p. e331-e339, June 2012. (0734-0664). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1741-2358.2011.00476.x >. Acesso em: 10 out. 2012.
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[002305289]Gasparoto, Thaís Helena. Oliveira, Carine Ervolino de. Vieira, Narciso Almeida. Porto, Vinícius Carvalho. Gasparoto, Carlos Teodoro. Campanelli, Ana Paula. Lara, Vanessa Soares. The pattern recognition receptors expressed on neutrophils and the associated cytokine profile from different aged patients with candida-related denture stomatitis. Oxford, 2012. p. 741-748. Experimental Gerontology, Oxford, v. 47, n. 9, p. 741-748, Sept. 2012. (0531-5565). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.exger.2012.07.003 >. Acesso em: 28 set. 2012.
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[002304997]Munhoz, Etiene Andrade. Bodanezi, Augusto. Cestari, Tania Mary. Taga, Rumio. Carvalho, Paulo Sérgio Perri de. Ferreira Júnior, Osny. Long-term rabbits bone response to titanium implants in the presence of inorganic bovine-derived graft. Lancaster, 2012. p. 91-98. Journal of Biomaterials Applications, Lancaster, v. 27, n. 1, p. 91-98, July 2012. (0885-3282). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0885328210396946 >. Acesso em: 27 set. 2012.
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[002318797]Oliveira, Denise Tostes. Biassi, T. P. Faustino, S. E. S. Carvalho, A. L. Landman, G. Kowalski, L. P. Eosinophils may predict occult lymph node metastasis in early oral cancer. Berlin, 2012. p. 1523-1528. Clinical Oral Investigations, Berlin, v. 16, n. 6, p. 1523-1528, Dec. 2012. (1432-6981). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00784-011-0651-7 >. Acesso em: 04 out. 2012.
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[002302650]Oliveira, Paula Cristina Rabelo de. Lima, Priscila Oliveira de. Oliveira, Denise Tostes. Pereira, Michele Conceicão. Eosinophil cationic protein overview of biological and genetic features. New York, 2012. p. 1442-1446. DNA and Cell Biology, New York, v. 31, n. 9, p. 1442-1446, Sept. 2012. (1044-5498). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.1089/dna.2012.1729 >. Acesso em: 18 set. 2012.
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[002282366]Oliveira-Santos, Christiano. Freitas-Faria, Patrícia. Damante, José Humberto. Consolaro, Alberto. Asymptomatic nodules of the upper lip report of a canalicular adenoma with immunoprofile presentation. Malden, 2012. p. e1121-e1124. Gerodontology, Malden, v. 29, n. 2, p. e1121-e1124, 2012. (0734-0664). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1741-2358.2010.00388.x >. Acesso em: 13 jun. 2012.
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[002257306]Oliveira-Santos, Christiano. Souza, Paulo Henrique Couto. Couto, Soraya de Azambuja Berti. Stinkens, Lien. Moyaert, Kristin. Rubira-Bullen, Izabel Regina Fischer. Assessment of variations of the mandibular canal through cone beam computed tomography. Heidelberg, 2012. p. 387-393. Clinical Oral Investigations, Heidelberg, v. 16, n. 2, p. 387-393, 2012. (1432-6981).
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[002317885]Pagin, Otávio. Del Neri, Nathalia Bigelli. Battisti, Maíra de Paula Leite. Capelozza, Ana Lúcia Alvares. Santos, Paulo Sérgio da Silva. Periodontal manifestations and ambulatorial management in a patient with Sturge Weber syndrome. Boston, 2012. p. 1809-1811. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, Boston, v. 23, n. 6, p. 1809-1811, Nov. 2012. (1049-2275). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/SCS.0b013e318271016c >. Acesso em: 03 dez. 2012.
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[002403751]Pellizzer, Eduardo Piza. Verri, Fellippo Ramos. Falcón-Antenucci, Rosse Mary. Santiago Júnior, Joel Ferreira. Carvalho, Paulo Sérgio Perri de. Moraes, Sandra Lúcia Dantas de. Noritomi, Pedro Yoshito. Stress analysis in platform-switching implants a 3-dimensional finite element study. Abington, 2012. p. 587-594. Journal of Oral Implantology, Abington, v. 38, n. 5, p. 587-594, Oct., 2012. (0160-6972). Disponível em: < http://www.joionline.org/doi/pdf/10.1563/AAID-JOI-D-10-00041 >. Acesso em: 15 ago. 2013.
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[002302979]Rocha, Julierme Ferreira. Gonçales, Andréa Guedes Barreto. Sampieri, Marcelo Bonifácio da Silva. Silva, Andréia Aparecida da. Matsumoto, Mariza Akemi. Gonçales, Eduardo Sanches. Peripheral osteoma of the maxillary sinus a case report. Philadelphia, 2012. p. 315-319. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Philadelphia, v. 16, n. 3, p. 315-319, Sept. 2012. (0278-2391). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10006-011-0298-1 >. Acesso em: 19 set. 2012.
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[002350632]Rodrigues, Vitor Hugo Leite de Oliveira. Duarte, Bruno Gomes. Salgueiro, Daniel Gomes. Bernini, Gabriel Fiorelli. Ferreira Júnior, Osny. Sant’Ana, Eduardo. Surgical removal of genial tubercles. New York, 2012. p. 245-251. International Journal of Clinical Dentistry, New York, v. 5, n. 3, p. 245-251, Aug. 2012. (1939-5833).
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[002319203]Salmeron, Samira. Rezende, Maria Lucia Rubo de. Consolaro, Alberto. Sant’ana, Adriana Campos Passanezi. Damante, Carla Andreotti. Greghi, Sebastião Luiz Aguiar. Passanezi, Euloir. Laser therapy as an effective method for implant surface decontamination a histomorphometric study in rats. Chicago, 2012. on-line. Journal of Periodontology, Chicago, on-line, 2012. (0022-3492). Disponível em: < http://www.joponline.org/doi/pdf/10.1902/jop.2012.120166 >. Acesso em 10 dez. 2012.
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[002259831]Santos, Paulo Sérgio da Silva. Klingbell, M. F. G. Abrahão, A. C. Gallottini, M. Sousa, S. C. O. M. Multiple myeloma with primary manifestation in mandibular area. Oxford, 2012. p. 26-29. Oral Surgery, Oxford, v. 5, n. 1, p. 26-29, 2012. (1752-2471). Disponível em: < http://doi.dx.org/10.1111/j.1752-248X.2011.01141.x >. Acesso em: 17 fev. 2012.
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[002319370]Santos, Paulo Sérgio da Silva. Oliveira Filho, Sérgio Alves de. Dental management of systemically compromised patients. New York, 2012. p. 49-55. International Journal of Clinical Dentistry, New York, v. 5, n. 1, p. 49-55, Sept. 2012. (1939-5833). Disponível em: < http://www.researchgate. net/publication/231590030_DENTAL_MANAGEMENT_OF_SYSTEMICALLY_COMPROMISED_PATIENTS/file/79e41506d71748776b.pdf?ev=pub_ext_doc_dl&docViewer=true >. Acesso em: 10 dez. 2012.
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[002302521]Souza Júnior, Devandir Antonio de. Toso, Vanina Danuza. Campos, Maria Rita de Cássia. Lara, Vanessa Soares. Oliver, Constance. Jamur, Maria Célia. Expression of mast cell proteases correlates with mast cell maturation and angiogenesis during tumor progression. San Francisco, 2012. p. e40790-1-e40790-10. PLoS One, San Francisco, v. 7, n. 7, p. e-40790-1-e40790-10, 2012. (1932-6203). Tipo de cobaia utilizada no trabalho de pesquisa : ratos BALB.
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[002306554]Tjioe, K. C. Oliveira, Denise Tostes. Soares, C. T. Lauris, José Roberto Pereira. Damante, José Humberto. Is podoplanin expression associated with the proliferative activity of ameloblastomas?. Houndmills. p. 673–679. Oral Diseases, Houndmills, v. 18, n. 7, p. 673–679, Oct. 2012. (1354-523X). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1601-0825.2012.01924.x >. Acesso em: 04 out. 2012.
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[002332949]Tjioe, Kellen Cristine. Oliveira, Denise Tostes. Poleti, Marcelo Lupion. Ferreira Júnior, Osny. Sant’Ana, Eduardo. Gonçales, Eduardo Sanches. Adenomatoid odontogenic tumour displacing multiple teeth in an adolescent. Irvine, 2012. p. 146-148. Open Journal of Stomatology, Irvine, v. 2, n. 2, p. 146-148, June 2012. (2160-8709).
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[002285203]Tjioe, Kellen Cristine. Damante, José Humberto. Oliveira, Denise Tostes. The onset of a peripheral ameloblastoma. New York, Hindawi, 2012. article ID 729467 , p. 1-4. Case Reports in Oncological Medicine, New York : Hindawi, v. 2012, article ID 729467 , p. 4, 2012. Tipo de cobaia utilizada no trabalho de pesquisa: rato.
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[002288458]Tolentino, Elen S. Centurion, Bruna Stuchi. Tjioe, Kellen Cristine. Casaroto, Ana Regina. Tobouti, Priscila Lie. Frederigue Junior, Ulisses. Lara, Vanessa Soares. Damante, José Humberto. Sant’ana, Eduardo. Gonçales, Eduardo Sanches. Psammomatoid juvenile ossifying fibroma an analysis of 2 cases affecting the mandible with review of the literature. Saint Louis, 2012. p. e40-e45. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology, Saint Louis, v. 113, n. 6, p. e40-e45, Jun. 2012. (1079-2104). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.oooo.2011.08.005 >. Acesso em: 12 jul. 2012.
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[002252691]Whitaker, Melina Evangelista. Freitas, José Alberto de Souza. Pegoraro-Krook, Maria Inês. Ozawa, Terumi Okada. Lauris, Rita de Cássia Moura Carvalho. Lauris, José Roberto Pereira. Dutka, Jeniffer Cássia Rillo. Relationship between occlusion and lisping in children with cleft lip and palate. Lewiston, 2012. p. 96-103. Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal, Lewiston, v. 49, n. 1, p. 96-103, Jan. 2012. (1055-6656). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.1597/09-139 >. Acesso em: 24 jan. 2012.
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[002257758]Bravo-Calderón, Diego Mauricio. Oliveira, Denise Tostes. Marana, Aparecido Nilceu. Nonogaki, Suely. Carvalho, André Lopes. Kowalski, Luiz Paulo. Prognostic significance of beta-2 adrenergic receptor in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Washington, 2011/2012. p. 51-59. Cancer Biomarkers, Washington, v. 10, n. 1, p. 51-59, 2011/2012. (1574-0153). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.3233/CBM-2012-0228 >. Acesso em: 13 fev. 2012.