2012 – BAE – Trabalho de evento periódico – Internacional

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Documento 1 de 20

[002313580]Assis, D. R.. Noritomi, P. Y.. Xavier, T. A.. Duarte, B. G.. Silva, B. M. H.. Gonçales, Eduardo Sanches. Finite element analysis of the maxilla stress distribution when submitted to surgycally assisted expansion. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2012. abst. 593. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(90. : 2012 : Iguaçu Falls).. (0022-0345).

Documento 2 de 20

[002293536]Centurion, B. S.. Imada, T. S. N.. Pagin, O.. Capelozza, Ana Lúcia Álvares. Rubira-Bullen, Izabel Regina Fischer. Carotid artery calcifications study in panoramic and CBCT images. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2012. abst. 1088. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(90. : 2012 : Iguaçu Falls).. (0022-0345).

Documento 3 de 20

[002314214]Couto Souza, P. H.. Silvério, I.. Lech, E.. Westphalen, F. H.. Tolazzi, A. L.. Berti Couto, S. D. A.. Setti da Rocha, A. S.. Rubira-Bullen, Izabel Regina F.. Oliveira-Santos, C.. Assessment of the posterior superior alveolar artery on CBCT images. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2012. abst. 769. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(90. : 2012 : Iguaçu Falls).. (0022-0345).

Documento 4 de 20

[002313586]Ghizoni, J. S.. Taveira, Luís Antônio de Assis. Garlet, Gustavo Pompermaier. Ghizoni, M. F.. Pereira, J. R.. Brozoski, D. T.. Santos, Carlos Ferreira dos. Sant’ana, Adriana Campos Passanezi. Increased levels of Porphyromonas gingivalis are associated with cerebrovascular disease. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2012. abst. 607. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(90. : 2012 : Iguaçu Falls).. (0022-0345).

Documento 5 de 20

[002305580]Hanemann, João Adolfo Costa. Burger, E.. Miyazawa, M.. Oliveira, Denise Tostes. Pereira, A. A. C.. Quantitative and morphological analysis of inflammatory infiltrate of paracoccidioidomicosis in oral lesions. Berlin, 2012. p. 81, abst. C10-3. , 18th Congress of the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology(18. : 2012 : Berlin).. Mycoses, Berlin, v. 55, Supplement 4, p. 81, abst. C10-3, June 2012. (0933-7407). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1439-0507.2012.02205.x > . Acesso em: 01 out. 2012.

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[002305478]Lima, H. G.. Pinke, K. H.. Gardizani, T. P.. Souza-Júnior, D. A.. Carlos, D.. Avila-Campos, M. J.. Lara, Vanessa Soares. Phagocytic ability of mast cells against the periodontopathogen Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2012. abst. 1877. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(90. : 2012 : Iguaçu Falls).. (0022-0345).

Documento 7 de 20

[002324663]Lima, H. G.. Freitas-Faria, Patrícia. Pinke, Karen H.. Nascimento, M. P. P.. Porto, Vinícius Carvalho. Lara, Vanessa Soares. Cytokine production by monocytes from elderly patients with candida-associated denture stomatitis. Oxford, 2012. p. 318, abst. P0402. , European Congress of Immunology : (2012 : Glasglow).. Immunology, Oxford, v. 137, suppl. 1, p. 318, abst. P0402, Sept. 2012. (0022-1767).

Documento 8 de 20

[002312768]Marques, N. C. T.. Fernandes, A. P.. Lourenço Neto, N.. Rodini, C. O.. Lara, Vanessa Soares. Honório, Heitor Marques. Machado, Maria Aparecida de Andrade Moreira. Abdo, Ruy Cesar Camargo. Oliveira, Thais Marchini de. Evaluation of rat subcutaneous tissue response to diferent endodontic cements. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2012. abst. 360. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(90. : 2012 : Iguaçu Falls).. (0022-0345).

Documento 9 de 20

[002312864]Mussi, M. C. M.. Pieri, F. A.. Teixeira, S. R. L.. Cruz, L. B.. Mayer, M. P. A.. Taveira, Luís Antônio de Assis. Antimicrobial activity of copaiba and melaleuca oils in anaerobic bacteria. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2012. abst. 43. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(90. : 2012 : Iguaçu Falls).. (0022-0345).

Documento 10 de 20

[002324785]Nascimento, M. P. P.. Lara, Vanessa Soares. Immunosenescence and dendritic cells role of TLR2 and TLR4 in phagocytosis and cytokines production against candida albicans. Oxford, 2012. p. 475, abst. P0900. , European Congress of Immunology : (2012 : Glasglow).. Immunology, Oxford, v. 137, suppl. 1, p. 475, abst. P0900, Sept. 2012. (0022-1767).

Documento 11 de 20

[002282156]Oliveira, Fernando Toledo de. Capelozza, Ana Lúcia Álvares. Lauris, José Roberto Pereira. Bullen, Izabel Regina Fischer Rubira de. Mineralization of mandibular third molars can estimate chronological age Brazilian indices. Clare, 2012. p. 147-150. Forensic Science International, Clare, v. 219, n. 1-3, p. 147-150, 2012. (0379-0738). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2011.12.013 > . Acesso em: 12 jun. 2012.

Documento 12 de 20

[002314208]Pagin, Otávio. Centurion, Bruna S.. Rubira-Bullen, Izabel Regina F.. Capelozza, Ana Lúcia Alvares. Maxillary sinus floor and posterior root apices in CBCT images. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2012. abst. 766. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(90. : 2012 : Iguaçu Falls).. (0022-0345).

Documento 13 de 20

[002324743]Pinke, Karen H.. Lima, H. G.. Lara, Vanessa Soares. Mast cells phagocyte candida albicans via toll-like 2 receptor without TNF-a and IL-10 production. Oxford, 2012. p. 201, abst. P0048. , European Congress of Immunology : (2012 : Glasglow).. Immunology, Oxford, v. 137, suppl. 1, p. 201, abst. P0048, Sept. 2012. (0022-1767).

Documento 14 de 20

[002304974]Poleti, M. L.. Lopes, L. F. T. P.. Nunes, N. A.. Fernandes, T. M. F.. Navarro, R. D. L.. Oltramari-Navarro, P. V. P.. Capelozza, Ana Lúcia Álvares. Bullen, Izabel Regina Fischer Rubira. Evaluation of the trabecular bone pattern using different periapical films. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2012. abst. 1747. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(90. : 2012 : Iguaçu Falls).. (0022-0345).

Documento 15 de 20

[002311149]Ribeiro, M. G.. Sant’Ana, Adriana Campos Passanezi. Consolaro, Alberto. Rezende, Maria Lucia Rubo de. Damante, Carla Andreotti. Greghi, Sebastião Luiz Aguiar. Domingues, R. S.. Prevalence of periodontal phenotype of Bauru School of Dentistry patients. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2012. abst. 2529. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(90. : 2012 : Iguaçu Falls).. (0022-0345).

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[002314436]Rosa, T. M. D.. Gerzson, A. D. S.. Assis, D. R.. Mont’Alverne, E.. Matsumoto, M.. Gonçales, Eduardo Sanches. Does alendronate reduces the rate of autogenous bone graft resorption?. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2012. abst. 922. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(90. : 2012 : Iguaçu Falls).. (0022-0345).

Documento 17 de 20

[002314122]Rubira, Cássia F.. Centurion, Bruna S.. Imada, Thaís. Capelozza, Ana Lúcia Alvares. Rubira-Bullen, Izabel Regina F.. Identification of tonsilolliths in CBCT and panoramic images. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2012. abst. 764. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(90. : 2012 : Iguaçu Falls).. (0022-0345).

Documento 18 de 20

[002311258]Scomparin, Leandro. Imada, Thaís S. N.. Centurion, Bruna S.. Yaedú, Renato Yassutaka Faria. Lauris, José Roberto Pereira. Oliveira-Santos, C.. Rubira-Bullen, Izabel Regina F.. Visualization of the mandibular incisive canal in panoramic and CBCT. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2012. abst. 2519. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(90. : 2012 : Iguaçu Falls).. (0022-0345).

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[002313595]Sousa, M. V.. Pinzan, Arnaldo. Cossetin, E.. Henriques, José Fernando Castanha. Cardoso, R.. Consolaro, Alberto. Macroscopic evaluation of laser therapy on orthodontic movement in rats. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2012. abst. 611. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(90. : 2012 : Iguaçu Falls).. (0022-0345).

Documento 20 de 20

[002312021]Tolentino, E. S.. Soares, C. T.. Honório, Heitor Marques. Damante, José Humberto. Age-related changes in human sublingual glands duct-like structures study. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2012. abst. 3018. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(90. : 2012 : Iguaçu Falls).. (0022-0345).