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[001567242]Araújo, M. A. R.. Araújo, Carlos dos Reis Pereira de. Benfatti, C. M.. Siqueira, A. F.. Ferreira, C. F.. Souza, D. C.. Seven year longitudinal study of 320 morse taper connection implants. Alexandria, 2005. Abst. 2093. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(83. : 2005 : Baltimore).. , Annual Meeting of the AADR – American Association for Dental Research(34. : 2005 : Baltimore).. , Annual meeting of the CADR – Canadian Association for Dental Research(29. : 2005 : Baltimore).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 84, Special Issue A, 2005. Publicado em CD-ROM.
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[001548632]Carvalho, Ricardo Marins de. Breaking the paradigm of bonding. Tokyo, 2005. p. 7. , Meeting of the Japanese Society for Conservative Dentistry(122. : 2005 : Tokyo).. The Japanese Journal of Conservative Dentistry, Tokyo, v. 48, p. 7, June 2005. (0387-2343).
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[001548670]Carvalho, Ricardo Marins de. Current Status of adhesive systems. Tokyo, 2005. p. 3. , Meeting of the Japanese Society for Conservative Dentistry(122. : 2005 : Tokyo).. The Japanese Journal of Conservative Dentistry, Tokyo, v. 48, p. 3, June 2005. (0387-2343).
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[001548678]Pegoraro, Thiago Amadei. Pegoraro, Luiz Fernando. Carvalho, Ricardo Marins de. Effects of self-etching adhesive permeability and hydration condition of subsstrate on the adhesion of resin cements to dentin. Tokyo, 2005. p. 16. , Meeting of the Japanese Society for Conservative Dentistry(122. : 2005 : Tokyo).. The Japanese Journal of Conservative Dentistry, Tokyo, v. 48, p. 16, June 2005. (0387-2343).