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[001466984]Scanavini, Adriana Bernardini Antunes. Anselmo-Lima, Wilma Terezinha. Megale, Silvia R.. Navarro, João Adolfo Caldas. Scanavini Júnior, Rui Carlos. Morphometric evaluation of the sphenopalatine forame for endoscopic surgery. Rome, IFOS, 2005. , World Congress of the International Federation of Otorhinolaryngological Societies(18. : 2005 : Rome).. Abstracts, Rome : IFOS, 2005.
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[001466988]Scanavini, Adriana Bernardini Antunes. Megale, Silvia R.. Anselmo-Lima, Wilma Terezinha. Navarro, João Adolfo Caldas. Scanavini Júnior, Rui Carlos. The anatomical study of the sphenopalatine forame. Rome, IFOS, 2005. , World Congress of the International Federation of Otorhinolaryngological Societies(18. : 2005 : Rome).. Abstracts, Rome : IFOS, 2005.