2010 – BAE – Trabalho de evento periódico – Internacional

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Documento 1 de 21

[001839600]Bortoluzzi, E. A.. Broon, Norberto Juárez. Consolaro, Alberto. Felippe, W. T.. Felippe, M. C. S.. Bramante, Clóvis Monteiro. Dogs’ dental pulp assessment after pulpotomy with white MTAs. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 4025. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 4025, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.

Documento 2 de 21

[002307022]Bravo, D. M. C.. Vilardi, Bruna M. R.. Centurion, Bruna S.. Tolentino, Elen S.. Damante, José Humberto. Soares, C. T.. Oliveira, Denise Tostes. Calcifying epithelial odontogenic (Pindborg) tumor with granular cells. Oxford, 2010. p. 134-135, abst. 378. , International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology(28. : 2010 : São Paulo).. Histopathology, Oxford, v. 57, supl. 1, p. 134-135, abst. 378, Oct. 2010. (0309-0167).

Documento 3 de 21

[001837610]Bullen, A.. Rubira-Bullen, Izabel Regina Fischer. Rosseti, Paulo Henrique Orlato. Lauris, José Roberto Pereira. Francischone, Carlos Eduardo. Rotational freedom and surgical insertion torque values in Ti2O implants. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 1644. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 1644 , Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.

Documento 4 de 21

[002306765]Caetano, Adriana S.. Faustino, Simone E. S. Hanemann, João Adolfo C.. Pereira, A. C.. Belone, A. F. F.. Soares, C. T.. Oliveira, Denise Tostes. Immunolocalization of podoplanin in benign odontogenic tumors. Oxford, 2010. p. 126, abst. 353. , International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology(XXVIII : 2010 : São Paulo).. Histopathology, Oxford, v. 57, supl. 1, p. 126, abst. 353, Oct. 2010. (0309-0167).

Documento 5 de 21

[002307027]Cardoso, Camila L.. Teixeira, Renata C.. Chinellato, Luiz Eduardo Montenegro. Soares, C. T.. Damante, José Humberto. Lichen planus and oral cancer coincidence or consequence?. Oxford, 2010. p. 136-137, abst. 384. , International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology(28. : 2010 : São Paulo).. Histopathology, Oxford, v. 57, supl. 1, p. 136-137, abst. 384, Oct. 2010. (0309-0167).

Documento 6 de 21

[001840346]Damante, José Humbero. Taga, Rumio. Lara, Vanessa Soares. Lauris, José Roberto Pereira. Sa, J. C. R.. Relation between sublingual glands and mouth floor folds in edentulous. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 4282. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 4282, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.

Documento 7 de 21

[002306764]Faustino, Simone E. S.. Kowalski, L. P.. Landman, G.. Carvalho, A. L.. Nonogaki, S.. Oliveira, Denise Tostes. High intratumoral lymphatic vessel density correlates with regional recurrence in early oral squamous cell carcinomas. Oxford, 2010. p. 125, abst. 351. , International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology(28. : 2010 : São Paulo).. Histopathology, Oxford, v. 57, supl. 1, p. 125, abst. 351, Oct. 2010. (0309-0167).

Documento 8 de 21

[001837324]Fernandes, L. M. P. S. R. Ordinola Zapata, R.. Handen, R. H.. Álvares, Luiz Casati. Capelozza, Ana Lúcia Álvares. Occurrence and features of periapical lesions detected in CBCT images. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 1496. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 1496, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.

Documento 9 de 21

[002307039]Hanemann, João A. C.. Nabak, R. F.. Duque, J. A.. Pereira, A. A. C.. Oliveira, Denise Tostes. Microscopical analysis of paracoccidioides brasiliensis and its association with intensity and localization of inflammatory infiltrate. Oxford, 2010. p. 180, abst. 503. , International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology(28. : 2010 : São Paulo).. Histopathology, Oxford, v. 57, supl. 1, p. 180, abst. 503, Oct. 2010. (0309-0167).

Documento 10 de 21

[001840163]Imada, T. S. N.. Rubira-Bullen, Izabel Regina Fischer. Lauris, José Roberto Pereira. Oliveira-Santos, C.. Dezzoti, M. S. G.. Centurion, B. S.. Mandibular incisive canal in CBCT images intraobserver reliability. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 4720. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 4720, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.

Documento 11 de 21

[002307035]Lima, H. G.. Oliveira-Santos, C.. Tjioe, Kellen C.. Freitas, P.. Damante, José Humberto. Lara, Vanessa Soares. Papillary cystadenoma of minor salivary gland a case report of a rare benign tumor. Oxford, 2010. p. 140, abst. 396. , International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology(28. : 2010 : São Paulo).. Histopathology, Oxford, v. 57, supl. 1, p. 140, abst. 396, Oct. 2010. (0309-0167).

Documento 12 de 21

[002306756]Mussi, Maria Carolina M.. Pigatti, Fernanda M.. Ghizoni, Janaina S.. Soares, C. T.. Mello Júnior, E. J.. Taveira, Luís Antônio de Assis. Solitary intraosseous neurofibroma of mandible report of a case. Oxford, 2010. p. 20, abst. 54. , International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology(28. : 2010 : São Paulo).. Histopathology, Oxford, v. 57, supl. 1, p. 20, abst. 54, Oct. 2010. (0309-0167).

Documento 13 de 21

[001837217]Oliveira, T. M.. Sakai, Vivien Thiemy. Moretti, A. B. S.. Lourenço Neto, Natalino. Machado, Maria Aparecida de Andrade Moreira. Santos, Carlos Ferreira dos. Taveira, Luís Antônio de Assis. Abdo, Ruy Cesar Camargo. Human primary molar pulpotomies with mta, portland cement and ca(oh)2. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 1281. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 1281, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.

Documento 14 de 21

[002307033]Pigatti, Fernanda M.. Mello Júnior, E. J. F.. Frederigue Júnior, Ulisses. Taveira, Luís Antônio de Assis. Adenoid cystic carcinoma report of relapse after 8 years. Oxford, 2010. p. 138, abst. 389. , International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology(28. : 2010 : São Paulo).. Histopathology, Oxford, v. 57, supl. 1, p. 138, abst. 389, Oct. 2010. (0309-0167).

Documento 15 de 21

[001837188]Poleti, M.. Rubira-Bullen, I.. Garlet, G. P.. Kurachi, Cristina. Cardoso, C.. Cestari, T. J.. Dionísio, T. M.. Fernandes, T.. Bagnato, Vanderlei Salvador. Assis, G.. Lauris, J. R. P.. Effect of apdt during alveolar repair animal study. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 1106. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 1106, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.

Documento 16 de 21

[001840152]Rubira-Bullen, Izabel Regina Fischer. Oliveira-Santos, C.. Dezzoti, M. G.. Capelozza, Ana Lúcia Álvares. Poleti, M. L.. Rubira, C.. Visibility of the mandibular canal in cross-sectional CBCT images. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 4710. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 4710, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.

Documento 17 de 21

[001837235]Rubira, C. F.. Cardoso, C.. Garlet, G. P.. Carvalho, P. S. P. de. Dionísio, T.. Ferreira Jr., O.. Molecular and morphometric analysis of induced dry socket in rats. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2010. abst. 1230. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(88. : 2010 : Barcelona).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandria, v. 89, abst. 1230, Special Issue B, 2010. Em CD-ROM.

Documento 18 de 21

[002306759]Tjioe, Kellen C.. Cardoso, Camila L.. Fernandes, Luciana M. P. S. R.. Soares, C. T.. Barreto, J. A.. Damante, José Humberto. Xeroderma pigmentosum a genodermatose with malignant potential. Oxford, 2010. p. 66, abst. 180. , International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology(28. : 2010 : São Paulo).. Histopathology, Oxford, v. 57, supl. 1, p. 66, abst. 180, Oct. 2010. (0309-0167).

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[002306909]Tobouti, Priscila L.. Tolentino, Elen S.. Centurion, Bruna S.. Gonçales, Eduardo Sanches. Lara, Vanessa Soares. Juvenile psammomatoid ossifying fibroma of the mandible a surprise diagnosis with radiographic, tomographic and microscopic characteristics. Oxford, 2010. p. 127, abst. 355. , International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology(28. : 2010 : São Paulo).. Histopathology, Oxford, v. 57, supl. 1, p. 127, abst. 355, Oct. 2010. (0309-0167).

Documento 20 de 21

[002306938]Vilardi, Bruna M. R.. Bravo, D. M. C.. Ferreira, M. P.. Ferreira, M. T.. Oliveira, Denise Tostes. A case of squamous cell carcinoma arising from inverted sinonasal papilloma. Oxford, 2010. p. 130, abst. 365. , International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology(28. : 2010 : São Paulo).. Histopathology, Oxford, v. 57, supl. 1, p. 130, abst. 365, Oct. 2010. (0309-0167).

Documento 21 de 21

[002306754]Vilardi, Taisa M. R.. Faustino, Simone E. S.. Goulart, Maria Carolina V.. Oliveira, Denise Tostes. Taveira, Luís Antônio de Assis. Suppurative chronic osteomyelitis with hyaline rings granuloma. Oxford, 2010. p. 13, abst. 32. , International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology(28. : 2010 : São Paulo).. Histopathology, Oxford, v. 57, supl. 1, p. 13, abst. 32, Oct. 2010. (0309-0167).