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Documento 1 de 22
[002278596]Bastos, José Roberto de Magalhães. Carvalho, F. S. D.. Xavier, A.. Mendes, H. J.. Sales Peres, Sílvia Helena de Carvalho. Bastos, Roosevelt da Silva. Caldana, Magali de Lourdes. Edentulism and nutritional status of institutionalized elderly in Bauru, Brazil. Alexandria, 2012. abst. 1070. , AADR – American Association for Dental Research(41. : 2012 : Tampa, Florida).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandra, v. 91, abst. 1070, Special Issue A, 2012. (0022-0345). Disponível em: < http://iadr.confex.com/iadr/search.epl > . Acesso em: 16 maio 2012.
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[002312890]Bastos, Roosevelt da Silva. Carvalho, Fábio S.. Xavier, A.. Mendes, Haroldo J.. Caldana, Magali de Lourdes. Bastos, José Roberto de Magalhães. Lauris, José Roberto Pereira. Influence of periodontal disease in adolescent’s quality of life. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2012. abst. 466. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(90. : 2012 : Iguaçu Falls).. Journal of Dental Research, v. 91, Sp. Issue B, abst. 466, 2012. (0022-0345).
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[002279538]Caldana, Magali de Lourdes. Bastos, José Roberto de Magalhães. Bastos, Roosevelt da Silva. Arakawa, A. M.. Xavier, A.. Oliveira, A.. Santo, C. E.. França, M.. Franco, Eduardo Batista. Quality of life use of dentures in elderly, Bauru, Brazil. Alexandria, 2012. abst. 1410. , AADR – American Association for Dental Research(41. : 2012 : Tampa, Florida).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandra, v. 91, abst. 1410, Special Issue A, 2012. (0022-0345). Disponível em: < http://iadr.confex.com/iadr/search.epl > . Acesso em: 16 maio 2012.
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[002278989]Coelho, T. R. D. F.. Mendes, H. J.. Bastos, José Roberto de Magalhães. Caldana, Magali de Lourdes. Bastos, Roosevelt da Silva. Carvalho, F. S.. Xavier, A.. Oral health conditions of institutionalized elderly with mental disorders. Alexandria, 2012. abst. 1402. , AADR – American Association for Dental Research(41. : 2012 : Tampa, Florida).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandra, v. 91, abst. 1402, Special Issue A, 2012. (0022-0345). Disponível em: < http://iadr.confex.com/iadr/search.epl > . Acesso em: 16 maio 2012.
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[002335758]Ferrari, Deborah Viviane. Therapeutic patient education via tele-audiology brazilian experiences. Los Angeles, Allied Healthcare Group, 2012. p. 40-43. The Hearing Review, Los Angeles, v. 19, n. 10, p. 40-43, Oct. 2012. (1074-5734).
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[002314201]Ferreira, R.. Ferreira, A. T.. Magalhães, Ana Carolina. Abramides, Dagma Venturini Marques. Lamônica, Dionísia Aparecida Cusin. Tomita, Nilce Emy. Approach strategies for Down syndrome patient during dental care. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2012. abst. 792. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(90. : 2012 : Iguaçu Falls).. Journal of Dental Research, v. 91, Sp. Issue B, abst. 792, 2012. (0022-0345).
Documento 7 de 22
[002278677]Figueiredo, A. M.. Xavier, A.. Carvalho, F. S.. Mendes, H. J.. Bastos, Roosevelt da Silva. Caldana, Magali de Lourdes. Bastos, José Roberto de Magalhães. Periodontal disease and diabetes in institutionalized elderly, Bauru, Brazil. Alexandria, 2012. abst. 1074. , AADR – American Association for Dental Research(41. : 2012 : Tampa, Florida).. Journal of Dental Research, Alexandra, v. 91, abst. 1074, Special Issue A, 2012. (0022-0345). Disponível em: < http://iadr.confex.com/iadr/search.epl > . Acesso em: 16 maio 2012.
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[002312875]Figueiredo, A. M.. Silva, R. P. R.. Xavier, A.. Bastos, Roosevelt da Silva. Carvalho, F. S.. Caldana, Magali de Lourdes. Bastos, José Roberto de Magalhães. Socioeconomic profile and dental caries of preschool children,Brazil. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2012. abst. 448. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(90. : 2012 : Iguaçu Falls).. Journal of Dental Research, v. 91, Sp. Issue B, abst. 448, 2012. (0022-0345).
Documento 9 de 22
[002406872]Lamônica, Dionísia Aparecida Cusin. Takaya, C. S.. Ferraz, P. M.. Psycholinguistics skills diplegic cerebral palsy children. Cambridge, 2012. p. 50-51. , Annual INS Meeting – International Neuropsychological Society(40. : 2012 : Montréal).. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, Cambridge, v. 18, suppl. S1, p. 50-51, Feb. 2012. (1355-6177). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1355617712000525 > . Acesso em: 27 ago. 2013.
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[002406864]Lamônica, Dionísia Aparecida Cusin. Niquerito, Ana V.. Gejão, Mariana Germano. Tabaquim, Maria de Lourdes Merighi. Interdisciplinary neuropsychological evaluation of children with changes development of communication and learning. Cambridge, 2012. p. 50. , Annual INS Meeting – International Neuropsychological Society(40. : 2012 : Montréal).. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, Cambridge, v. 18, suppl. S1, p. 50, Feb. 2012. (1355-6177). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1355617712000525 > . Acesso em: 27 ago. 2013.
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[002406875]Lamônica, Dionísia Aparecida Cusin. Anastácio-Pessan, E. L.. Gejão, Mariana Germano. Infantile development and receptive vocabulary abilities in brazilian children with congenital hypothyroidism. Cambridge, 2012. p. 51. , Annual INS Meeting – International Neuropsychological Society(40. : 2012 : Montréal).. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, Cambridge, v. 18, suppl. S1, p. 51, Feb. 2012. (1355-6177). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1355617712000525 > . Acesso em: 27 ago. 2013.
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[002407186]Machado, Maria Aparecida Miranda de Paula. Aiello, Camila P.. Hage, Simone Rocha de Vasconcellos. Tabaquim, Maria de Lourdes Merighi. Neuropsychological cognitive-linguistic analysis post-intervention program in daycare educators and children in Brazil. Cambridge, 2012. p. 7. , Annual INS Meeting – International Neuropsychological Society(40. : 2012 : Montréal).. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, Cambridge, v. 18, suppl. S1, p. 7, Feb. 2012. (1355-6177). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1355617712000525 > . Acesso em: 28 ago. 2013.
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[002304982]Mendes, H. J.. Xavier, A.. Carvalho, F. S.. Bastos, Roosevelt da Silva. Caldana, Magali de Lourdes. Bastos, José Roberto de Magalhães. Relationship between nutritional status and dental caries in preschool children. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2012. abst. 1786. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(90. : 2012 : Iguaçu Falls).. Journal of Dental Research, v. 91, Sp. Issue B, abst. 1786, 2012. (0022-0345).
Documento 14 de 22
[002407190]Moraes, Thaís E. Duarte. Salvador, Karina K.. Garcia, Patrícia F.. Gonçalves, T.. Feniman, Mariza Ribeiro. Crenitte, Patrícia Abreu Pinheiro. Written language alterations and auditory processing performance in Silver-Russell syndrome case report. Cambridge, 2012. p. 49. , Annual INS Meeting – International Neuropsychological Society(40. : 2012 : Montréal).. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, Cambridge, v. 18, suppl. S1, p. 49, Feb. 2012. (1355-6177). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1355617712000525 > . Acesso em: 28 ago. 2013.
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[002406860]Niquerito, Ana V.. Coelho, D. Souza. Moretti, C. Nunes. Ferrari, J. Broco. Nardi, C.. Cury, M. A. de Barros Garrote. Tabaquim, Maria de Lourdes Merighi. Analysis of gnosis functions in children with cleft lip and palate neuropsychological assessment. Cambridge, 2012. p. 284. , Annual INS Meeting – International Neuropsychological Society(40. : 2012 : Montréal).. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, Cambridge, v. 18, suppl. S1, p. 284, Feb. 2012. (1355-6177). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1355617712000525 > . Acesso em: 27 ago. 2013.
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[002407195]Niquerito, Ana Vera. Tabaquim, Maria de Lourdes Merighi. Constructive dyspraxia in children with cleft lip and palate. Cambridge, 2012. p. 47. , Annual INS Meeting – International Neuropsychological Society(40. : 2012 : Montréal).. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, Cambridge, v. 18, suppl. S1, p. 47, Feb. 2012. (1355-6177). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1355617712000525 > . Acesso em: 28 ago. 2013.
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[002312894]Oliveira, A.. Xavier, A.. Silva, R. P. R.. Bastos, Roosevelt da Silva. Caldana, Magali de Lourdes. Bastos, José Roberto de Magalhães. Quality of life and socioeconomic profile in preschool children. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2012. abst. 451. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(90. : 2012 : Iguaçu Falls).. Journal of Dental Research, v. 91, Sp. Issue B, abst. 451, 2012. (0022-0345).
Documento 18 de 22
[002310413]Pauleto, Adriana C.. Araújo, Juliana J.. Corrêa, Camila C.. Rios, Daniela. Oliveira, Thais Marchini de. Silva, Salete Moura Bonifácio da. Machado, Maria Aparecida de Andrade Moreira. Ferrari, Deborah Viviane. Traffic evaluation of Baby’s website speech therapy and dentistry. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2012. abst. 2431. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(90. : 2012 : Iguaçu Falls).. Journal of Dental Research, v. 91, Sp. Issue B, abst. 2431, 2012. (0022-0345).
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[002312886]Silva, R. P. R.. Xavier, A.. Bastos, Roosevelt da Silva. Oliveira, A.. Bassi, A. K. Z.. Caldana, Magali de Lourdes. Bastos, José Roberto de Magalhães. Oral health-related quality of life in preschool children, Rondonia, Brazil. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2012. abst. 455. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(90. : 2012 : Iguaçu Falls).. Journal of Dental Research, v. 91, Sp. Issue B, abst. 455, 2012. (0022-0345).
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[002406855]Tabaquim, Maria de Lourdes Merighi. Almeida, T. M.. Fioretto, A. C.. Coelho, D. S.. Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder predictive value of diagnostic criteria. Cambridge, 2012. p. 35-36. , Annual INS Meeting – International Neuropsychological Society(40. : 2012 : Montréal).. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, Cambridge, v. 18, suppl. S1, p. 35-36, Feb. 2012. (1355-6177). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1355617712000525 > . Acesso em: 27 ago. 2013.
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[002406857]Tabaquim, Maria de Lourdes Merighi. Nardi, C. G.. Dutka, Jeniffer de Cássia Rillo. Neuropsychologic evaluation of children with cleft lip and palate. Cambridge, 2012. p. 80. , Annual INS Meeting – International Neuropsychological Society(40. : 2012 : Montréal).. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, Cambridge, v. 18, suppl. S1, p. 80, Feb. 2012. (1355-6177). Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1355617712000525 > . Acesso em: 27 ago. 2013.
Documento 22 de 22
[002312874]Xavier, A.. Carvalho, F. S.. Bastos, Roosevelt da Silva. Mendes, H. J.. Arakawa, A. M.. Caldana, Magali de Lourdes. Bastos, José Roberto de Magalhães. Oral health-related quality of life preschool children in Brazil. Alexandria, International Association for Dental Research, 2012. abst. 446. , General Session & Exhibition of the IADR – International Association for Dental Research(90. : 2012 : Iguaçu Falls).. Journal of Dental Research, v. 91, Sp. Issue B, abst. 446, 2012. (0022-0345).